Frequently Asked Questions

You are not alone if you are feeling nervous about booking a video session. But don’t let your nerves stop you from experiencing some of the most empowering and confidence boosting moments ever!

Who gets to see these films?

Once a film is shot and edited, only you get to see the film. They are 100% private and confidential unless you give me written consent to share on my portfolio. You may then decide if you want to share the film with anyone in your community, or keep it as a sexy secret in your relationship.

What about hair and makeup?

Because of the nature of these films, I try to limit the amount of people involved, makeup is not generally included in the packages. That being said, if you would love to have a hair and makeup artist we can discuss that prior to the shoot.  

Do you only shoot couples videos? Or can you shoot a solo video of me/mypartner?

Of course – I offer all types of films catered to your needs. I offer a free consultation to discover what type of film will best suits your needs.

Where will we shoot?

Usually we shoot at a hotel/airbnb or rent a studio for the afternoon. You may also decide you want to film at home to keep costs low and not have to rent a space, but some couples prefer the change of scenery from their own place, or are unable to shoot at home.

What should I/we wear?

Depending on the theme or direction of the video – wear something you feel sexy in. You will feel most confident and look best on camera when you feel sexy. Pick some lingerie, a skirt, some tight leggings, a bathrobe or a sexy costume. I would generally recommend finding articles of clothing that will not be too tight and leave marks on your skin, as it will be very visible on camera, you may also want to make sure to be very well hydrated that day to help eliminate marks on skin from clothing.

Can we have liquid courage on set?

Definitely! I have a background in bartending, and love to create custom cocktails for people based on their tastes. If this is something you are interested in, we can discuss before the shoot. I only ask that when there is alcohol involved to be mindful of my equipment, and try not to drink excessively as it can negatively impact performance in large amounts. 

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